Hunt: Showdown

Hunt Showdown My First Steps In The Bayou

Hunt: Showdown is a main focus of this website, as it is currently my most active game. Hunt comes up in my blog, my videos, and my design pages. This page serves as the most recent source for all three of those media formats regarding the extraction shooter.

Hunt: Showdown in the Blog

Hunt: Showdown Videos

Videos from Hunt include speedruns, as well as the work on the Bayou Adventures series. More videoes, not found here, can my found on my @wolfmerrik Youtube account. This page will continue to update with the newest content of videos inspired by the Bayous of Hunt.

Hunt Pairing Designs

I have also created many designs in the Weird Wild Western series, which is fitting for fans of Hunt. This design series is one I will continue to update as I get inspired by the genre of Western Horror. While not Hunt designs by any means, they pair nicely with Hunt and the sources that inspired Hunt: Showdown in the first place.